unfortunately, like most of my things right now, it's still packed up in a box in the basement :(
we've been staying at my in-laws since moving here, until we're able to move into our new place downtown on april 1st. the new little place is really lovely - it's dated, but in an awesome vintage kind of way. it also has an entire wall in the living room that's floor to ceiling windows, with a door that opens out to the balcony. the best part? it has an amazing view of the georgia strait! it's right on the ocean, across from maffeo sutton/swy-a-lana park, and the view is breathtaking. we look right out over the strait, and can see ships as far as the eye can see, as well as the ferries going to newcastle island provincial park and protection island. i absolutely love nanaimo, i love the harbour, i love the ocean, and i know i'm going to love our new place!
i need to find a job still though, and that's been a bit stressful. where we're staying right now is quite out of the way, a 20 min drive from nanaimo with no bus stop in site. most of the job postings on craigslist [the few & far between] require that i apply in person, which means i need to either bum a ride, or wait until the days when paul's off work. hopefully one of the places i've applied to call me back soon - i've dropped off so many resumes, and have filled out so many online applications, that SOMEBODY'S going to have to want to hire me!
also good news - i'm going to derby practice tomorrow night! the harbour city rollers have been nice enough to allow me to come skate with them and i can't wait! it feels like it's been forever since i put my skates on last, and i'm getting excited like a little schoolgirl.
in the interim though, until i find all my technological devices, here's a little cellphone picture of our fish friend zissou in his temporary home, and the view from our current bedroom window. welcome to vancouver island!

PS- new mother mother is out now. go buy!!
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